Member Resources

Please keep your contact information up-to-date:

Contact Info Update Form

Collective agreement

A collective agreement is a written contract between the employer and a union that outlines many of the terms and conditions of employment for employees in a bargaining unit.

If you have any concerns about your rights, please talk to a member of the executive.

Click on the picture below to access your most recent Collective Agreement



Local 1825 Bylaws


Bylaws are the written rules of your local union. They define your rights and responsibilities as a local member, they outline local election processes, and they set the powers for your officers.




Health Benefits

Click the Logo below to go to the ASEBP website













LAPP Pension

All CUPE 1825 members who regularly work 18 hours or more are part of the Local Authorities Pension Plan.  If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to a member of the executive.